READ Adult Literacy

The mission of the READ Adult Literacy program at the Ventura County Library is to help adults improve reading and writing skills so that they perceive positive impact on their lives in such areas as self-esteem, employment, family life, and community involvement.  Research reveals lower literacy rates correlate to lower academic achievement, fewer job skills and less opportunity for personal advancement.  Literacy also is essential to a healthy democracy, with lower skilled readers less likely to vote or actively engage in social and civic activities. Private support will help the library expand the world of books and reading to adult learners and children.

The READ Program trains volunteers to provide free one-to-one reading and writing instruction.  The Ventura County Library has been offering this program since 1984.  Administrative costs are included in the Ventura County Library’s budget, but vital additional funding comes from partnerships with other agencies, state grants and donations from businesses and service organizations.  The Foundation serves as recipient for monetary donations to the READ Adult Literacy program.

Literacy instruction takes place in library, school, community and jail facilities throughout Ventura County. These sites are managed by part-time professional educators, referred to as site supervisors. Site supervisors are available during specified times to assess learner’s reading levels, interview tutors, match students with tutors, recommend teaching materials and provide support for learning partners. 

The READ Adult Literacy program also provides the Ventura County Library’s Career Online High School (COHS) resource which offers adults the opportunity to earn an accredited high school diploma and career certificate online.


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